Dome shapes may be adapted for residential construction as well. People who are looking for a natural and harmonious space for life choose dome houses.


Domes much better withstand heavy loads than any other type of building – its own structure and environmental – wind, sand, rain, snow. The interesting fact is that the dome becomes even more stable while affected by those loads!


Aside from their natural beauty, domes also have many structural advantages. Geodesic shelters have been built around the world in varied climates and have proven to be the strongest and most efficient human shelter ever conceived. Unlike a traditional home, domes get proportionally stronger as their size increases.


C’est bien de s’asseoir le soir en famille, avec des amis, et de profiter de la nature en plein air, parfums divers et variés afin de profiter d’une belle soirée autour d’un bon diner ou toutes autres activités …. vivez des moments inoubliables


Domes use 30% less surface area to enclose the same amount of volume as a box type structure. This means there is less area for heat to escape or outside air to penetrate. In addition, the spherical shape of a geodesic dome provides for natural and efficient interior air circulation. The natural aerodynamics of the dome means that cold air blows around the home instead of hitting a flat wall and penetrating to the inside.
