Geodeic Domes for Spheric Cinema 360°x180° | Full Dome Projection


Fulldome cinema has become increasingly popular in recent years because advances in projection technology and dome construction have made fulldome cinema more accessible to a broader range of applications.

Fulldome cinema has become increasingly popular in recent years because advances in projection technology and dome construction have made fulldome cinema more accessible to a broader range of applications.
We is delivering scalable immersive fulldome cinema solutions and also provides fullservice from concept development, movie consulting, design to installation, technical and event support and maintenance.
Fixed installations as well as rental solutions for many different applications are available:

  • Events and Trade Shows
  • Theme Parks, Amusement Parks
  • Planetariums, Science Centers
  • Visitor Centers
  • Simulation and Training
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We have realized many fulldome projects world-wide and gained experience with many suppliers of fulldome technology. Together with our international partners we can offer you modularity in all aspects of fulldome design: 5 to 35 meter dome

  • up to 720° projection
  • 2k to 8k resolution
  • 2D, 3D or mixed projection
  • linear, interactive and realtime playout solutions
  • 4D, 5D effects
  • motion-base systems
  • mobile or fixed installations
  • indoor or outdoor domes


We equip domes-pavilions with interactive installations of 360 ° projection. You can choose the transparent PVC sheet (with the outside street view) or BlockOut not transparent PVC sheet (without outside street view).Dome-pavilion metal white-painted carcass does not interfere in projection image.

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We produce the highest quality and top-level architectural projects for the commercial, housing, healthcare and education markets. Design and construction of space frames, domes, shells and free-form structures whose products meet the requirements of sustainable buildings. Geodomas maintains high engineering standards and talented management to consistently ensure that the design, construction and maintenance requirements of each design and application are accessible.

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We ship resort structures around the world for all kinds of purposes. No matter where your resort or camp is located – whether on water, rocks, desert, sand, grassy plains, tropical beach, ice field or dense rainforest – we will ensure that it is designed, built and built to be environmentally and economically sustainable, secure and durable.

    Select the dome category you are interested in and describe your project requirements and objectives. We will contact you, perform the calculations, and send you a proposal.

    📝 YOUR DETAILS (required):

    Name and Surname

    Company/Organization Name

    Your Phone: GSM/Viber/WhatsApp

    Project City

    Your Email:

    📝 DOME DETAILS (required)

    Select Dome Category

    How will your planned object function, description:

    The GEODOMAS Team will gladly answer any questions you might have and offer their creativity and experience to come up with the best solution for your project. Do not hestitate. Get in touch!


    Portable Domes
